Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Top 10 Anticipated Movies of 2015

2015 promises to be a good year for movies, and if you page through this blog, you will gather that I do enjoy a movie now and then.  So, without further ado, here are my top picks for most anticipated movies of 2015...

#10 - Jurassic World:  This franchise is somewhat old and tired, but with Chris Pratt coming off that great performance in Guardians, I'm intrigued.

#9 - Ant Man:  Marvel has a great track record.  That plus Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas seems a good fit.  I'm in after seeing the trailer.

#8 - Inside Out:  It's a Pixar movie... nuff said.

#7 - The Kingsmen:  Okay this hits for me on a lot of levels.  It has Samuel L. Jackson as a bad guy.  I'm in.

#6 - Tommorowland:  Combine Disney, George Clooney, and what looks like an interesting sci-fi story and I'm in.

#5 - Jupiter Ascending - Brought to you by the folks who brought you the Matrix.  It looks really pretty.  I wonder at what point Sean Bean dies in this movie.

#4 - James Bond ‘Specter”:  I'm a sucker for a good (and even not so good) Bond movies, and this one sounds like it could bring us full circle back to the Connery Bond.

#3 - Avengers: Age of Ultron:  In a year where a new Joss Wheedon Avengers movie comes out and it's only #3 on my most anticipated, shows a potentially great year at the movies.

#2 - Mad Max: Fury Road: This trailer looks awesome in so many ways.  I was caught off guard when I saw it, but I'm totally looking forward to this movie.

#1 - Star Wars: The Force Awakens: It's kind of anti-climatic that this is #1 on the list.  It's almost a forgone conclusion and easily dismissed.  Also, you have to wait until December for release, but I LOVED the trailer and am really looking forward to this movie.

So, what do you think?  2015 looks like a good year.  Mad Max seems a big surprise to me.  I'm really looking forward to that movie.