Monday, April 18, 2016

Another Year Older and What Have I Done...

All my aspirations have shriveled in the sun
I'm crippled by guilt
Blinded by science
I've been waiting for tomorrow all of my life

So, it's another year in the books and I'm turning yet another page.  I have a lot in life to be thankful for.  I have great family and friends and I'm working on building a degree of serenity into my life.

Over the past year, I've been dealing with health issues and family dynamics.  I've tried to remain positive.  I've reconnected with many old friends and have come to realize that there are people in my life who's spirit has probably accompanied me through multiple lifetimes.  Yes, I'm a hippie at heart and I believe that our souls are old and that magic really does exist.

If you are reading this, you are probably someone I care about.  Thank you for being there.

Now onto the reflective part of our journey...  A nice thing about this past year is that I got closer to my extended family. I think that my sister and I are now closer than we've been in a while and it's great to see how others are doing as well.  The worst part of this (and Vicky bears the brunt of it all) is that my mom is deteriorating and not long for this world.  We are making the best of it, having her in an in-home hospice situation with 24/7 nursing care, however, it is sad.

At any rate, I'm opening the door on the 56th year of my existence and I see some positive roads ahead.  I hope that things work out and we see a year of peace, love, and prosperity (see, I am a hippie)... or Trump could get elected and then we are looking at Armageddon.

Interesting times ahead either way.

1 comment:

  1. Trump winning isn't the scariest option. It's Cruz I'm worried about...
